100% pure, natural and organic seaweed powder skin product from SjávarSmiðjan. Made in Iceland - From the Breiðafjörður bay and Reykhólar in the Vestfjords.
Hinn fjölefnamikli þari er ríkur af andoxunarefnum, vítamínum, steinefnum, próteinum, járni, joði og öðrum heilsubætandi efnum sem eru jákvæði fyrir húð og heilsu.
Með þaraböðum eru náttúrulegir eiginleikar þarans nýttir til að auka teygjanleika húðar, draga úr öldrun hennar, vinna gegn cellolite, sem og auka mýkt og raka húðarinnar. Að auki hafa þaraböð einnig gagnast gegn ýmsum húðkvillum í ætt við Exem sbr. psoriasis.
The multicomponent seaweed is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, proteins, iron, iodine and other health enhancing substances that are positive for skin and health.
With seaweed baths the natural properties of seaweed are used to increase the elasticity of the skin, reducing the signs of aging, counter cellulite, as well as increase the softness and moister of the skin. In addition the seaweed baths can also help prevent or soften the effects of various skin problems related to eczema like psoriasis.